Monday 13 February 2012

Caring for pets and looking after their varied needs is a full-time job.The basic needs of all pets are similar though there are variations by the kind of pet you have - a dog or cat or fish or bird or something else.
The most important thing to remember when adopting a pet is to be totally committed to looking after it with love and patience. There are no short cuts when it comes to caring for your pets. They are dependent on you for all their needs and it is mandatory that you give them all the care and attention that they deserve.
Pets bring joy, love and happiness into the lives of their owners. They are companions for life. They positively impact your physical health and emotional and mental well-being. Pets are known to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, decrease levels of stress and tension; they encourage social interaction, motivate you to lead a disciplined and active life and reward you with a lot of love and affection.
In view of all the benefits that come with owning pets, you need to exert yourself to fulfil all their needs cheerfully and willingly. All pets need the following things:
  • Food - for energy to carry out their daily activities. Ensure that you give them the right kind of food, in the right quantity, at the right times. Inadequate or the wrong type of food can adversely affect their health. Give them fresh food, served in a clean container.

  • Water - for life. Provide your pet with clean, fresh drinking water at all times. Change the water daily and see that there is sufficient quantity at all times

  • Shelter - for comfort and protection. See that your pet has suitable living arrangements. It should be large enough so that they do not feel restricted. Their shelter has to be comfortable (have comfortable sleeping and resting areas ) and protected from the elements i.e harsh weather conditions. Pets need to feel safe and secure in their environment - make sure that it is guarded against attack from other animals or even small children. Provide for shelter indoors or outdoors as required by your pet. Their surroundings have to be kept dirt-free and hygienic. Their living area should be cleaned of litter and other refuse daily.

  • Grooming - to look good and stay clean and healthy. All pets need a grooming routine. Specific needs may differ but they all need to be kept clean be it by bathing, brushing, combing or trimming nails and fur.

  • Training - to adjust better to living with you. Not all pets can be house-trained ( e.g fish ). However those that can should be trained on appropriate behavioural issues - obedience, toilet training, eating, not being destructive.

  • Exercise - to stay physically alert and healthy. All pets need to exercise regularly. They should be encouraged to walk, run, play, climb, fly (birds), swim ( fish do this naturally) so that are active and fit.

  • Socialising - for companionship. Most pets love company - this could be human or animal. Provide for company. Spend time with your pet. Create opportunities for them to interact with others of their kind. This will keep them from getting bored and destructive.

  • Medical check-ups - to ensure good health. All pets need to be attended by a vet at regular intervals. Ensure that all the necessary vaccinations and medications are given at the right time. Check with the vet for any health related issue. Keep an eye on your pets behaviour - any change in normal behaviour could indicate ill health. Have this attended to on a priority basis as it could prove critical or even fatal.

Your pet' s needs are not very complicated. Give them some time, give them love and company, keep them healthy and safe and they will stay happy and fit.

source from

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